US Targets Chinese Banks Aiding Russian War Machine

The United States is preparing sanctions against some Chinese banks over concerns they have facilitated trade with Russia and helped fuel its war effort, The Wall Street Journal reported.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will head to China in hopes that the threat of financial sanctions will provide diplomatic leverage against Beijing as the U.S. seeks to stifle Russian’s ability to rebuild its military.

While China has not sold weapons to Russia directly, Beijing has greatly increased their exports of so called dual-use goods. Dual-use goods are materials such as circuitry, optics, microelectronics, drone engines and other products that could be used in the manufacturing of weapons. Moscow has sought to rebuild its war machine which has been greatly damaged in the two-year war with Ukraine. According to the Journal, China has supplied Russia with 90% of its microelectronic imports in 2023.

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